Tesoro Corp. Funds STEM Program for Middle School School Students
A generous $450,000, three-year commitment from the Tesoro Corporation to the Boys & Girls Club of Carson (BGCC) will help dozens of children gain a solid foundation in preparation for possible futures built on skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The goal of STEM programs nationwide is to prod kids’ curiosity and creativity to produce original ideas, objects, and structures using concepts and skills from math, science, and technology. Providing STEM education for grades pre-school through 12 is a national priority announced earlier this year by the U.S. Department of Education. The Tesoro gift will fund a full-time STEM coordinator at the BGCC to develop programs, and train staff in developing appropriate activities that will integrate what kids are learning in school, and guide them to additional opportunities for exploring and creating related projects.
Tesoro is an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products. Its refinery is located in Carson is the largest refinery on the West Coast, employing about 1,450 full-time workers.
Visit the Boys & Girls Club of Carson at http://www.bgccarson.org/