Carson is Headquarter for Oldest California Business

Did You Know?

That the oldest enterprise still doing business in California is headquartered in the City of Carson?   In mid-1800, Charles L Ducommun walked to Los Angeles from Arkansas with a mule wagon full of goods to sell.  Ducommun opened a general store in 1849 when the population of Los Angeles was 1,600.   In the early 1900’s Ducommun started supplying the emerging aerospace industry, which grew to their current role as a global provider of manufacturing and engineering services for aerospace, defense, industrial, natural resources and medical markets.

[ezcol_1third]CF - Docommun1[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]CF - Docommun[/ezcol_2third_end]

Ducommun large


Author: spirit